Head of Senior School, VET & QCE
Mr Darren Hart dhart19@eq.edu.au
RTO Number 30319At Keebra Park State High School students can have access to quality Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses in the following ways.
VET refers to the education and training that provides practical skills and knowledge which may be a meaningful pathway option that students may choose as part of their Senior Schooling studies. School students participating in a VET course while at school may:
- Provide credit towards your Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE)
- Contribute to the calculation of your tertiary selection rank
- Support your transition to employment
- Gain an apprenticeship or traineeship or further VET training
VET provides:
- Nationally recognised qualifications.
- Industry relevant skills and knowledge.
- On the job experience through apprenticeships and traineeships or work experience or work placement.
Upon successful completion of a VET Course, students will be awarded a certificate indicating they have met the requirements of the qualification.
If a student does not finish the entire course, but have met the requirements of one or more units of competency, they are awarded a Statement of Attainment; detailing the competencies achieved.
Completion of a VET Qualification provides points towards a students Queensland Certificate of Education.
Certificate courses on offer at Keebra Park SHS
At Keebra Park SHS we offer both Certificate courses that we as a school deliver as an Registered Training Organisation (RTO), and coursed that we facilitate through external RTO'S and that are generally funded through the VET in Schools (VETIS) arrangement.
Offered by Keebra Park SHS as RTO
ICT40120 | Certificate IV in Information Technology |
AVI30419 | Certificate III in Aviation (Remote Pilot) |
CHC24015 | Certificate II in Active Volunteering |
CUA30920 | Certificate III in Music |
CUA31120 | Certificate III in Visual Arts |
CUA3210 | Certificate III in Dance |
SIS30521 | Certificate III in Sport Coaching |
SIS20419 | Certificate II in Outdoor Education |
| Certificate I in Manufacturing (Pathways) |
Facilitated by Keebra Park SHS and delivered by external RTO'S
| Diploma of Business Prestige Service Training
HLT33115 | Certificate III Health Support Services Assistant Strategix |
HLT23215 | Certificate II Health Support Services Strategix |
UEE22020 | Certificate II Electro Technology Major Training |
MEM20422 | Certificate II Engineering Pathways Major Training |
CPC10120 | Certificate I Construction Major Training |
SIS30321 | Certificate III In Fitness College of Health and Fitness |
Link and Launch
Amy Gorton is our New Link and Launch Officer. Amy has joined our team to support past Year 12 students – who we are now calling 'Year 13'. Nerang SHS has been privileged to be part of the Link and Launch initiative which aims at connecting with young people who have completed Year 12 but have not yet transitioned to further study, training or employment. Amy will assist young people to make a successful transition. Some of the options available through the program include: |
- free apprenticeships and traineeships for under 25s
- free TAFE for under 25s
- skilling Queenslanders for work programs
- back to work subsidies
- alternative entry to University – those who didn't achieve their desired ATAR score
- employment
- federal incentives and participation programs such as JobMaker and JobTrainer.
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